The Swiss Academic Spaceflight Initiative (ARIS) is an educational association of around 600 students hosted by the renowned ETH Zurich dedicated to the development of technologies meant for space. Students from this institute have created a collaborative network that includes students from many Swiss universities, such as ZHAW, UZH, HSLU and ZhdK. On the basis of voluntary work, we develop aerospace technology in the areas of launch vehicles, rockets, recovery systems and satellites, participating in international student competitions.
Our journey into the cosmos is fueled by the generous support from industry leaders, esteemed academic institutions, and our active membership in various influential groups.
Industrial Partners
ARIS would not exist without the support from the industry. Our partners help us push the boundaries of what is possible. We see technology and space exploration as essential for building a sustainable future. Collaborations with our partners not only benefit both parties but also add value to the economy and society as a whole. By collaborating with us, you gain access to our talent pool, and we will ensure that your logo is visible on all our media channels. At the same time, ARIS will contribute to the advancement of science and humanity.
Join us on this exciting journey and become an ARIS sponsor!
Support ARIS as an Industry Partner
Through strong partnerships in the space and non-space industry, we aggregate the capability to gradually move closer to the final frontier. We see space technology and exploration as an enabler to build a sustainable future. With win-win collaborations, we create value-added for economy and society.
To reach our objectives, we rely on support from academia, industry and privates in terms of expertise, material sponsoring and financial support. We provide a platform to make your support visible, to actively shape and attract the next generation of engineers and leaders, and to engage in an inspiring community.
Value Proposition to Industry Partners
How you can help us
Academic Partners
ARIS combines the strengths of the federal institute and universities of applied sciences and carries the excellency of the educational system of Switzerland into the World. Physically located at ETH Zürich, ARIS is integrated at ETH Zürich, HSLU, OST, University of Zürich and ZHAW through its student members, academic projects and direct support.
Together, these academic partnerships not only enhance the educational experience of our members but also contribute significantly to the advancement of science and technology. Through joint projects, workshops, and research initiatives, ARIS and its academic partners are committed to fostering innovation and excellence in the field of space exploration.
Die Neugierde und Kreativität des Menschen ist die Basis für viele Errungenschaften der Menschheit, welche unsere Kultur prägen. In diesem Sinne betrachte ich auch meine natur- und ingenieurwissenschaftlichen Kolleginnen und Kollegen der Akademischen Raumfahrtinitiative Schweiz, die getrieben sind von der Neugierde, die Zusammenhänge und die Entstehung unseres Universums besser zu verstehen, ganz klar als «Kultur-Schaffende».
“I am very pleased that a team of students has come together under ARIS to build a space rocket and participate in the international competition. This allows students not only to gain valuable experience in engineering, but also to experience what it means to work in a team, to market a project and to raise funds. I sincerely wish them every success!”
“I congratulate the initiative on building a space rocket and to competing with other teams. ARIS brings students together to work on engineering challenges and gain important experience in transferring their knowledge into practice.”
Partner Universities
Also students from UZH are part of ARIS in various engineering and business positions. The collaboration with UZH Space Hub allows us to expand our knowledge and broadens our field of experts in the field of natural science. Not only did we find another academic partner with the university of Zurich but also a supporter in enabling students the hand-on experience.

With the Ostschweizer Fachhochschule partnering with ARIS in 2020, students at OST are offered the opportunity to conduct research projects on aerospace engineering topics. ARIS aspires to attract motivated students from any of the diverse fields of study at OST, thereby supporting our academic partner in shaping the engineers, computer scientists and economists of tomorrow.
Member of the Space Industry Group (SSIG)
ARIS is member of the Swiss Space Industry Group, an industry sector of the SWISSMEM federation, through which it can strengthen it’s network and contacts within this country and the space sector. It improves the opportunity of our students to get in touch with the industry and can facilitate their transfer to the working world.
Member of SwissMem Space Technology
SWISSMEM is the Swiss employers and industry association for the mechanical, electrical, and metal (MEM) industries. It represents and supports companies in these sectors, promoting their competitiveness and advancing the Swiss economy. SWISSMEM provides members with services, information, and support in political advocacy, education, research, innovation, and international business contacts. It plays a crucial role in promoting the MEM industries in Switzerland and fostering their growth and development.
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