Please be advised that the handling of applications for all teams and thesis inquiries is usually expected to take around 5-7 Days.
For urgent requests, please Contact this email.
Interested in writing a Thesis at ARIS?
Do not hesitate to contact us! Write us an e-mail including your CV, motivation letter, transcript of records, and the topics you are interested in. We can tell you about possible theses and introduce you to the next steps.
I'm Confused
ARIS has many different positions where you can work with us and help achieve our vision! Here’s a short break-down:
- Rocketry Project 2024-2026 (Competition Rocket Team): Be part of the upcoming team aiming to compete at the annual European Rocketry Competition, short EUROC, in Portugal. The new rocketry project will be a project covering two years in total with the goal of flying a bi-liquid engine at EuRoC 2026. If you are new at ARIS and this is the first engineering challenge you tackle, then this is where you should apply. The rocket will focus on three main goals: first ever ARIS build bi-liquid rocket, re-iterate the guided recovery system and achieve technical greatness within the next two years.
- SAGE (CubeSat Development Team): This is our flagship satellite project. We are developing and launching a satellite including a first of its kind biological payload into orbit. We are looking for motivated team members from various different backgrounds, from engineering, natural sciences, management and many more. The place to apply if you want to work on a system which will operate in the vastness of space.
- NAUTILUS (Unmanned underwater Vehicle & robotics): Are you passionate about climate research and robotics? NAUTILUS is developing ARIS’s first Unmanned Underwater Vehicle (UUV), an autonomous glider designed to collect crucial polar data. Our innovative technology supports climate scientists in understanding and combating climate change. Join us to make a meaningful impact through cutting-edge robotics and polar research. It is the perfect way of understanding robotics and robotic systems for newcomers.
- Business Team: Are you interested in securing sponsoring funds, contacting industrial partners, organising events, want to expand your photography portfolio or improve the website you’re on right now? Apply to the Business Team! We get to see all the fun stuff without putting in the engineering hours.
- Focus Project: If you want to apply to a focus project, then this is not the right place. The ETH focus project applications are handled by D-MAVT. Maybe this LINK can help.
Want to know more? Look through the different project pages or contact us for any questions. See you!
- Does ARIS pay their students?
No, since we are a student organization with limited funds, we aren’t able to pay any salary or other compensation for the work done at ARIS. - Do students at ARIS get ECTS for their work done?
In general, students do not get ECTS for their work at ARIS. However, there are some specified courses from different Universities which do provide ECTS for the work within ARIS (e.g. Focusproject at ETH Zürich for D-MAVT/D-ITET, Wahlpflichtmodul “ProARIS” from ZHAW, …). For further information on this please contact academic relations. - I am interested in joining ARIS, but I don’t know which position suits me. How can I find the right one?
Inform yourself on our website about current projects. Reach out to, attend an event where ARIS is represented or follow our Instagram ( for the newest updates. - What kind of commitment is expected at ARIS?
We expect a commitment to the project for around 10-20 hours per week or more. - I applied but didn’t hear back from ARIS. What can I do?
There can be several reasons why you haven’t heard back from us. Firstly, we kindly ask you to check your application for completion. Is you CV and motivation letter uploaded and correctly submitted? In any case you can always reach out to with your CV and Motivation letter for desired position open on our website. - How do I apply for focus projects within ARIS?
Application for focusprojects is done by the corresponding lab within D-MAVT or D-ITET. Please reach out to them. - When do positions open at ARIS?
Positions and their vacancies differ from time to time. The best is to check our website from time to time again. - How long do the projects last?
The projects each have different cycles. The current projects will last between 1 – 2.5 years. For more specifics, please have a look at the corresponding projects on our website. - I am a student but not from ETH Zürich, may I still apply?
Yes! Currently we have students from more than 5 different universities. If you are interested in space, then ARIS is the student organization for you. - I am not an ETH D-MAVT or D-ITET student, may I still apply?
Yes! We take students from all kinds of studies. We encourage you to find a matching position on our website. - How safe is it to work with(in) ARIS?
ARIS provides several different measures to ensure the safety of our members. This includes providing safety procedures, concepts and get them approved by our Safety Advisory Board (SAB), which includes several experienced members, and people from the industry. - Is ARIS affiliated with ETH Zürich?
ARIS has students from different universities. One of which is ETH Zürich. - Does ARIS require applicants to be second-year students when applying, or do they need to be second-year students by September?
You can apply already, we just want students to focus on their studies in their first year at uni. As long as you’re in your second year when you start the project that’s fine. - Will you sort out students which don’t study anything relevant to you?
There are no restrictions on majors within ARIS.
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