

The NAUTILUS team is developing ARIS’s first Unmanned Underwater Vehicle (UUV), an
autonomous glider with the goal of flexibly facilitating the collection of crucial data for polar research. By doing so, NAUTILUS aims to help researchers unlock an understanding of how climate change is transforming our world.

Climate change poses a major threat to our world’s ecosystems. Therefore, NAUTILUS seeks to create a cost-effective and minimally invasive method of polar research through the development of its UUV. Through the facilitation of polar research, the NAUTILUS team hopes to promote the protection of the polar regions and make a meaningful contribution to climate research.

Above: NAUTILUS’s UUV Prototype

Glider Technology for Polar Research

Hover over the icons to see how glider technology offers several advantages over traditional research vessels when studying the polar regions.

Lower operational costs and smaller crew requirements make gliders more cost-effective
No air and noise pollution make gliders a non-invasive platform for research by minimising damage to the environment
Long endurance
Continuous data collection for extended periods of time makes gliders ideal for monitoring large areas of the polar regions

Progress of Glider Development

Proof of Concept Prototype 100%
Concept Development of Advanced Prototype 100%
Subsystem Development and Integration 50%
Advanced Prototype Testing and Evaluation 0%

Timeline & Milestones

Our Team

Team picture

Our team of passionate nerds is on a mission to save the planet, one glider at a time. If you’re a talented and motivated individual who wants to join us in our quest for environmental justice, then we want you! You’ll be part of a fun and dynamic team that’s always pushing the boundaries of technology and science, while also making a positive impact on our world. So come join NAUTILUS and let’s make a difference together!

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