
HELIOS is the 3rd generation of liquid bi-propellant rocket engine development at ARIS, building on the work of our predecessors LEA (2022) and PROMETHEUS (2023). Our goal is to conduct an engine parameter study as well as to improve the throttling capability and accuracy of our existing system, strengthening the scientific baseline and working towards a first bi-liquid flight engine. Our project is central to ARIS’ ambitious journey to breach the boundary into space, known as the Karman Line, situated at 100 kilometers above Earth’s surface.

Projects like HELIOS serve as powerful motivators, offering students a hands-on experience and the opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge. Engaging in these initiatives not only contributes to personal development but also cultivates essential skills in project management, team leadership, and engineering. The collaborative nature of teamwork is emphasized, creating a vibrant environment for sharing the spirit, fun, and enthusiasm for STEM (Science, technology, engineering and mathematics) subjects. Participants in these projects play a pivotal role in inspiring and mentoring young students, igniting their passion and encouraging them to explore the diverse and rewarding fields of engineering and math-based disciplines.

With the project of HELIOS we believe in making an impact on student-initiated projects and share our passion with our environment.

Our System

Team Members
Test Stand Capacity
Fuel mass flow
O/F ratio
Chamber Pressure
Oxidizer mass flow
Specific Impulse
Firing Duration

The Team

The team is composed of 30+ bachelor, master and PhD ETH students divided in four subteams: Engine, Data Acquisition and Control System (DACS) Hardware, DACS Software and Propellant Supply System (PSS). Our team has the great advantage to be a mix of experiment students who were already involved in the two first liquid rocket engine projects as well as motivated new and curious students, enabling an exciting and productive transfer of knowledge between the different generation of members.


Water-cooled engine with cooling channnels & sensor manifold

Engine Team

In line with project HELIOS’ goal to improve on the existing infrastructure, the engine team is conducting a systematic parameter study using the different engine- and injector- types developed during the previous two projects. These tests aim to extend the understanding on which characteristics influence the behaviour of the system and ultimately the specific impulse generated. Gathering such knowledge is of significant importance for the long term goal of developing ARIS’ first bi-liquid rocket. In addition, a sound supression system is developed to reduce the sound level generated during a firing.

Propellant Supply System Team

The Propellant Supply System stores the fuel and oxidizer, and provides the required mass flows to the engine to maintain a stable combustion. The pressure-fed system works with ethanol and liquid oxygen, leading to system temperatures below -180°C. With a total of five subsystems containing over 25 valves, the Propellant Supply System further pressurizes the system’s pneumatic components and removes residual propellant through a purging system. The scope of the project is to advance the system and enable thrust and mass flow control through throttling to investigate the parameters of liquid rocket engines and combustion. With over 20 sensors in the oxidizer line it is intended to investigate the properties of liquid oxygen to develop an efficient testing strategically and to create knowledge on handling and running cryogenic propellants. New tank designs, insulation upgrades, precise characterization of the control valves, and an intense testing campaign will bring HELIOS one step closer to a flight engine and therefore one step closer to space.
PSS team draining the liquid oxygen tank
Extract of the from our software based system

Data Acquisition and Control System Software Team

The DACS Software team’s task is to translate signals sent by the sensors and translate them into readable data. Efficient data transfer and storage as well as specific plotting functionalities are essential for the analysis of the engine tests. Project HELIOS further improves the existing code. The goal of the DACS Software team is to build on this foundation and to improve it to each subteam’s needs. On the control systems side project HELIOS has the goal of implementing responsive closed-loop controllers for the accurate regulation of the propellant mass flows.

Data Acquisition and Control Systems Hardware Team
As part of Project HELIOS, DACS Hardware was able to take over the test setup from its predecessor. This setup includes 78 sensors, 23 valves, 2 throttleable
control valves, and 3 load cells. The DACS team is responsible for adding, maintaining, and replacing these electronic components as necessary to ensure the proper functioning of the system and provide the project with accurate measurements. The goal of DACS Hardware is to maintain the safety and improve the reliability of the system. Looking into the future, the team aims to further enhance the system by reducing sensor noise while increasing measurement accuracy and by improving the signal processing capability of the data acquisition system. Additionally, more possibilities for automated control and wireless communication are investigated. Lastly, additional sensors and actuators will be implemented to increase the data acquisition and control capabilities.

DACS Hardware Box with control switches

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Unlock the potential of space exploration with ARIS – the Swiss student-led organization pushing the boundaries of technology. Six years after its foundation, ARIS is becoming the hub for space in Switzerland. ARIS provides students with the unique opportunity to work on space-related projects, gain valuable academic research experience, and connect with industry leaders. By supporting ARIS, you are investing in the future of space exploration and the next generation of talented individuals.

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